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April Showers Bring May Flowers

Jamie Paysour

Spring is my absolute favorite time of the year. It’s a time when everything begins to awaken, the weather is no longer deplorable, and wearing floral patterns is once more acceptable. It’s also that time of the year known as “Crunch Time”. My 1st year classmates and I are winding down what has been a very rigorous spring semester filled with intense coursework, extensive clinical rotations, and in-depth internship activities. Although we have learned a lot of valuable lessons, we are also excited to see a new season of weather and opportunities that accompany the end of this semester.

The beginning of spring and transition into the summer will usher in a lot of exciting changes for all of us in the GC program at Emory. Our beloved 2nd year students are wrapping up their final affairs as students, accepting job offers, and preparing to begin a new chapter as genetic counselors. It’s hard to believe that we will be in that same position just one short year from now. For all of us 1st year students, we are more than ecstatic about the opportunities we get to be a part of this coming summer. Each of us will be full time interns for 6 weeks at our respective clinical rotation sites where we can really delve into improving and practicing our counseling skills in diverse clinical settings. Some of us are attending clinics out-of-state, some are staying in the Atlanta area, and a few are pursuing supplemental lab internship experiences with the Mayo Clinic and the Moffitt Cancer Center. Along with these clinical encounters, we will also be participating in each of our focus internships for 4 full weeks during the summer, doing a variety of internship and capstone project activities.

I think I speak for all of us when I say that we are all extremely excited to catch a short break from our courses and dive head first into our rotations. This will give us a glimpse of what our careers as genetic counselors will be like and what we can expect to experience in one short year from now.

We are in a season for new beginnings and that applies to nature and school, alike. This spring has not only awakened the flower buds, insects, and annoying pollen, but has also awakened a new excitement for our chosen career paths.

Have a wonderful spring!

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