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Welcome to the Genetic Counseling Program at Emory! We are very happy you found our blog, and we hope you enjoy everything you read.
This blog is maintained by current students affiliated with the program. The views posted in this blog are not that of Emory University School of Medicine. They are meant to increase awareness of the Emory program, give advice and share information with prospective genetic counseling students, keep alumni updated, build a community amongst current students, and continually reflect upon our experience with the program, observations and rotations.
National Organization of Rare Disorders (NORD) is a nationwide non-profit patient advocacy group that aims to improve the lives of people with rare conditions.
Emory University is one among the four NORD student chapters in the United States. Emory's student chapter is chartered under the allied health council and is the first NORD student chapter to be associated with a genetic counseling training program.
The student chapter at Emory was established in 2017. We aim to increase awareness about rare diseases and create opportunities to interact with patients with rare diseases among the student community. The chapter includes members from various disciplines at Emory university thereby providing a space to interact with other programs. The student chapter conducts various activities throughout the academic year. Celebrating rare diseases day, patient panels, movie nights and talks by people with rare disorders were some of the events conducted in our inaugural year.